CFS: Other Info
A list of things that didn't fit on one of the other main pages:
- Cerebus ReRead: So far there have been two rereads of the Cerebus saga at the Cerebus Yahoo!Group. Here is a collection of some information from them.
- Cerebus Rex: Summaries of issues #1 - 300.
- Diamondback: How to play the card game called Diamondback, straight from the pages of Cerebus.
- Friends of Cerebus: A page about the Friends of Cerebus fanclub from the early 1980s.
- How to spot a counterfeit: A comparison of a real #1 to a fake #1.
- Jerry Sweet's Cerebus Companion: 17.8 MB, 130 page PDF file. Right click and save as.
- Misc Stories: Some of the "Miscellany" stories like the Epic stories, AARGH, Anything Goes #3, CBG #977, a story that has been cleaned up for easier viewing and a couple other stories.
- Online Free Cerebus: An online version of the Free Cerebus comicbook which summarizes Cerebus from issue #1 to 137.
- Page Conversion: Convert a page number in a single issue to a page number in the phonebook and vice versa. Also a MS Excel spreadsheet with conversions for all the phonebooks.
- Sales stats: Sales stats of Cerebus and an excel spreadsheet of same.
- Twisted Panties: An archive of the column I used to write, deals with Cerebus and other comics related topics.