If you read three hundred issues of Superman or Spider-man, they don't make sense as a story or as a life. When I started Cerebus back in 1977, uppermost in my mind was the thought that I wanted to produce three hundred issues of a comic book series the way I thought it should be done; as on continuous story documenting the ups and downs of a character's life; with no fill-in issues by other artists. A series that would conclude with the death of the title character in the final issue. Someone who starts reading Cerebus after that last issue comes out in March 2004 will be able to start at the beginning and read Cerebus' life story right through to the end, all six thousand plus pages of it. . .
I can't tell you everything that has happened to Cerebus in the three thousand plus pages that make up the first half of this story, but maybe the next thirty or so pages can give you a taste of the story and maybe you'll decide that Cerebus is what you've been looking for; a comic book series that makes sense as a single story. . .
Next: The Beginning