Dead Links
Here are the links from my Cerebus Links page (the page you prolly just came from) that have 'died' somehow. I leave them here just in case you know of their new updated link (if they have one). If they do, then please email me the new information. Thanks!
- Found "dead" on 22 April 12
- Comic World News: "Even Aardvarks Have An Ending" an interview with Dave from March 2004.
- Read Yourself Raw: Dave Sim: Has a short bio on Dave, some recommended comics and short reviews by Dave.
- Spirituality Vs. God: The OOG files of the panel featuring Steve Peters and Dave Sim from the SPACE con, 05 April 2003. Dan is also working on getting transcripts of these MP3 files done also, which will be posted on his site when he is done.
- Two Handed Man: Interview with Sim
- Melvinbone's Cerebus Page (version 3.0): Has a section on the card game of Diamondback. Margaret notes: there is a mirror of the site as geocities is no longer in existence. Since the mirror will never be updated, I only include it here for history's sake.
- Michigan State University: Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection: A link to all the Dave Sim related materials in the MSU's library. Here is a link to all the Cerebus related material. And don't forget Gerhard who has his own section also.
- Now and Then Books: The store where Sim once worked. Most of the links are dead but if you click around enough you'll find Power Comics #1 and a few other goodies! Margaret notes: The link still works but has had a "rebuilding - check back later" front page up with no other links for a while now.
- Continuity Pages: Cerebus: A couple paragraphs about Cerebus, a pic and a list of issues that this fan needs to complete his collection.
- Jill's Cross-Stitch: a Cerebus cross stitch pattern. Really. Check it out.
- Nachimir's Comics page: An excellent site! Has lots of great insights into Cerebus. You must check this one out.
- Brevoort History of Comics: Cerebus #77: How this fan started with issue #77.
- Cerebus Essay: An Essay on why Cerebus is one of a kind in the comics industry.
- A review of Cerebus in Italian ---
- Digital Eraser: Has a three part series on the design of Cerebus covers:
- Jeff's Favorite Comics: Reviews of all the Cerebus Phonebooks up thru Guys.
- Ludic Log: A blog entry from March 2002 entitled "A Male Void Speaks Out" about one guy's reaction to Dave's Tangent essay.
- Mirage Studios: A review of TMNT #8 in which Cerebus had a guest appearance. Also some art from it.
- More Coffee, Less Dukkha: An-ex fan's recollections of Cerebus with issue #300's release: "Well, here I am. That thirty-one year old is looking back sheepishly at his younger self and is thinking:'Erm… Got bored of it, to be honest. Gave it up years ago. Sorry.'" Margaret notes: the link is still active, but the blog is "locked" and only can be viewed by people who have permission.
- The Self-Made Cynic: This blogger takes on Dave's 15 Things: "I know it's dangerous to wrestle a pig and all, but since this is my blog and I'm preaching to the choir, I thought I'd post my thoughts about the so-called "logic" of his arguments." Margaret notes: the link is still active, but the livejournal is "locked" and only can be viewed by people who have permission.
- Silverbullet Comicbooks: "Dave Sim, Off At A Tangent?" by Michael Deeley on Tangent and Dave.
- Found "dead" on 13 Nov 09
- Cerebus' Comics: This site has loads of info: Character descriptions, info about: groups / races, places, things & events, religions, Diamondback and some quotes.
- J. Stephen Bolhafner's Cerebus Page: Summaries of the major story lines thru 'Guys.'
- My World of Comics - Cerebus: a lot of information for issues #1-25
- From Hell Letters: The Sim and Alan Moore text which where published in the back of Cerebus.
- J. Stephen Bolhafner's Cerebus Page: A Sim interview
- My World of Comics - Cerebus: a small bio on Sim
- In Utah This Week: Interview with Dave during his trip out to Salt Lake City for the Ye Bookes of Cerebus show.
- KPCW NPR station: An interview with Dave and Ger during their trip out to Salt Lake City for the local NPR station.
- Cerebus Page: Some of the same stuff that was on the Crazed Ferret page: Alexx Kay’s Timeline and more, Cerebus Companion, and more.
- Can Anyone Really Know an Aardvark?: The 'Atlas' link has several excellent maps from the comic.
- Cerebus Radio Plays: Has MP3 files of the Cerebus Radio plays which adapts the first 6 issues of Cerebus.
- Counterfeit Cerebus #1: How to tell a real Cerebus #1 from a counterfeit.
- Melvinbone's Cerebus Page (version 3.0): Has a section on the card game of Diamondback.
- Amazing Comic Art: Issue 27 page 1, just scroll down to the Sim, Dave section. Also features lots of artists' original art.
- Cliff Guy: A Cerebus sketch
- Darkside Daydreams: A sketch of Cerebus with a monocle by Dave
- J. Ghataora's Cerebus Art: A sketch and (what looks like to me) to be a watercolor and ink sketch of Cerebus in color - very nice. The second picture is pretty large is it might take a while to download, but it is worth the wait.
- Cerebus Battle: Who would win: Jaka or Red Sophia? Cerebus or Conan? Ever wondered? Well, this fan has figured it all out. Or at least he thinks so.
- Unnamed Cerebus Page: A page in Spanish and the same page in English.
- Unnamed Cerebus Page #2: One page a with couple pics and some text.
- A Distant Soil: Colleen on Dave finishing Cerebus & his self publishing success: "Dave lost a lot of his fervent supporters with his strange ideology. Regardless, he has my congratulations for finishing Cerebus." + more in comments
- Akiko website Cerebus review: Part review and part overview with some pictures.
- Alliance Fiction Montreal: An article / review of Cerebus in French
- Captain Comics Forum: A poster reviews the phonebooks Cerebus though Melmoth. Lots of follow up comments
- Little Aardvark Who Could: A 65,000 word essay on Cerebus.
- Ninthart: Article 10: Sim City: Population 1: An article by Paul O'Brien on the post-Tangents Dave Sim.
- Ninthart: Article 10: Return to Sim City: Paul O'Brien reviews the Latter Days story arc thus far.
- Ninth Art: A Woman of Cerebus: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the aardvark
- Perpetual Comics: An overview of Cerebus (part 1) by Mark Haden Frazer. Here is Part II.
- Reading Cerebus: A blogger reads and comments on the first 25 issues of Cerebus
- Tristram's MySpace Blog: A blogger describes his first meeting with Dave "That's my Dave Sim story. It was funnier then than it is now." and talks about Cerebus. (Unknown if this was the same as this Long Story; Short Pier entry, but they had the same line in it so I used the same description for the Long Story; Short Pier entry.
- Word Balloons: Cerebus Review: "Comic book's 27-year run comes to close" a review of Cerebus by Matthew Price printed in The Oklahoman originally, March 12, 2004.
Found "dead" on 02 Feb 2008
- Comics & Games Retailer: Dave Sim Interview, April 2002: Dave is interviewed by Bruce Costa for the Comics & Games Retailer Magazine.
- Richard Moore - The Sim/Gaiman project: The collected "form" letters from Dave Sim to the Free issue of Cerebus
- Saturday Night Magazine: Interview from the Saturday Night magazine newspaper insert.
- USEnet Interview complete: The complete USEnet interview from 1992, it downloads all on one page so it might take some time.
- AV Letter writers by Issue: A text file posted by Dan P and he also has a list of AV writers by name.
- Chickzilla: Includes a sketch of Chickzilla by Gerhard.
- German Cerebus: A Cerebus page in German.
- German Cerebus Page #2: page in German with two large pictures.
- Absolute Now: By John Barber, an essay on Sim and the whole tangent thing.
- Reviews: Contains not only reviews from the people but of customers also. Some are actually pretty decent reading. Please note though that Dave has requested that Cerebus volumes not be brought from Amazon as he has had problems with them in the past. Go to the Archive Report #6 and search for Amazon, you'll find Dave's views on them there.
- Bob Eichler's Cerebus Review: An overview and review of Cerebus book by book.
- Captain Comics Forum: A poster reviews the phonebooks Cerebus though Melmoth. Lots of follow up comments
- eye - ART: Cerebus US Tour '92: An article on Cerebus from the Cerebus US Tour 1992 by Andrew Clark.
- eye - A Farewell to Aardvarks: by Paul Isaacs a review of the Latter Days phonebook
- Here Magazine: Reviews The Last Day phonebook.
- I Couldn't Make This Up if I tried: A paper in support of his MFA thesis exhibition by Tyler M. Page about Corporate comics creators and independent creators.
- Yevla's Journal: This entry is on "Cerebus and the relationship with your audience..."
Found "dead" on 10 June 2006
- Alternative Godfather Interview: Dave Sim: A Diamond Comics interview.
- Columbus AlivewireD: An article on Cerebus, with some quotes from Sim. Done in conjuction with the SPACE 2001 show.
- Diamond Comics Interview: An interview with Sim, from the Feature Magazine special on Cerebus.
- Baby Name Review: You want to name your kid Cerebus, so what does it mean?
- Gilmore Incident Part Seven: "An Earthpig Called Execution" Some fan-fiction.
- Theory's Trading Card: Dave sim is Unofficial (Trading) Card #28. (Note: Dave was #28, now it is W.E.B. DuBois)
- Give The Aardvark His Due: An article on the end of Cerebus
- Xen Magazine: Dave is contributing an article to this online magazine:
- Citizen Dave: Dave writes a column about Kitchener Politics
- Of Biblical Proportions: Dave talks about his faith.
- You Kids Don't Know How Easy You Have It Today: Dave on zines.
- Taking Down The Schoerg Barn: Dave writes about a local Kitchener landmark.
- Found 'dead' on 10 Aug 2002:
- Dave Sim Misogyny Page: An anti-Sim site about issue #186. Has a link to a Delphi Forum., the forum is still on Delphi,but pretty inactive, Forum 'owner' doesn't post anymore.
- All these found 'dead' on 03 Nov 2001:
- Cerebus Sketches: Cerebus drawn by other comic artists.
- Comicbook Covers: Cerebus: Has the covers of Cerebus #1-245 In thumbnail format that are links to the full size pictures and info on each.
- Layman Cerebus Mueseum: Original Art Pages Wing: more original art: #107 page 3, #112/113 page19, #158 page 4, #180 page 8, #198 page 19, and #219 page 9.
- Marvin's Cerebus Sketch: Cerebus head sketch from '97.
- Prof Xoom's Cerebus Art: Issue #12, page 16 and a convention sketch.
- Comic Art Gallery: Has one page of Cerebus art: issue #112/113 page #25 along with many other titles.
- Cerebus Plays Diamondback: A neat little JavaScript page which allows you to play Diamondback with Cerebus.
- Unnamed Cerebus Page: Looks like a Cerebus storyline review page in some language that I don't know. . .(which is a lot of languages. . .).
- Unnamed Cerebus Page: One page with some an overview and some pictures.
- Britannica Article: This is an article on self publishing (both in comics & music) and has some info on Cerebus and Sim.,5744,324934,00.html
- Unnamed Cerebus page: URL is
- Operation: Crazed Ferret: URL:, None of the Wraithspace links were working (July 30, 2000).
- Free Cerebus: URL:
- Cerebal: Taken out of the Original Art section because these pages are posted somewhere else by their owner.
- Fanpage: URL is: no longer working
- Review: Cerebus 196: URL: -- no longer working
- Cerebus Rex: URL: -- not working
- J. Stephen Bolhafner's Cerebus Page: Summaries of the major story lines thru 'Guys.' Being updated
- December 15, 2000 -- no longer working:
- From Hell letters: The Sim and Alan Moore text from Cerebus about From Hell and other such things.
- Grayhaven Sim Interview: An online magazine with an interview circa 1994
- AV in 3-D: A Cerebus 3D story
- Wizard World Cerebus: A picture of the original art of a cover from the mid 70 issues (I can't remember exactly which one & they don't say). Not that good of a picture, but still nice to see.
- The Unoffical Cerebus Page: This aspires to be “The Unofficial Cerebus Homepage”, not much in text but lots of pictures.
- Comic Store's Cerebus Review: An overview / review of Cerebus.
- Eonmagzine Review: Review of Going Home.
- Sim World Tour '92: An article on Sim's World Tour '92 and some quotes from him.
- Solarflare site Cerebus Reviews 2: More reviews of Cerebus, phone books #1 - 6 (Melmoth).